Training Descriptions

For upcoming and available trainings,
visit EventBrite and search for “CAWS North Dakota”, or contact us at 701-255-6240.

STOP Training

STOP Training includes three different trainings on the topics of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking. Each of these trainings is geared at training professionals the best ways to help victims and their offenders. STOP Training is open to all fields, but is especially helpful for law enforcement, victim advocates, clergy, counselors, teachers, university and college resident assistants, medical personnel, judges, attorneys, social workers and anyone who may work with victims and offenders. For more information about STOP Trainings, contact Dana Mees.

Essentials of Advocacy

The three-part Essentials of Advocacy series is for new advocates working at our 20 member crisis intervention center programs. The intent of this series is to provide foundational information in: advocacy, domestic violence and sexual assault. This series will lead up to Legal Issues Training. Essentials of Advocacy training is designed for crisis intervention and shelter staff who have three or less years of experience. It is important that participants are able to attend all three of the two-day sessions of the Essentials series. Those intending to participate in Legal Issues are not required to attend the Essentials of Advocacy Series, but are strongly encouraged to. These clinics are offered two times a year: in the spring, and in the fall. For more information, please contact Courtney Monroe.

Legal Issues Training

Legal Issues Training is a ten-hour training, presented by an attorney licensed to practice in North Dakota. This training is focused on the role of advocates under Administrative Rule 34, review of statutes relating to domestic violence and protection orders, full faith and credit and firearms provisions under federal law. Legal Issues Training is required in order to become a certified advocate under Administrative Rule 34. For more information, please contact Dana Mees.

Advanced Legal Issues Training

Advanced Legal Issues Training is designed to provide additional and enhanced training for advocates with 3 or more years of experience. This training meets the requirements for recertification under Administrative Rule 34. Each topic has been chosen based on questions and issues that have arisen from the field of practice. Trainers will provide information and skills development that assist advocates to problem solve and better serve victims throughout the Protection Order process. In cooperation with our partners, Legal Services of North Dakota and the Supreme Court, trainers will provide us with the expertise to guide the work. For more information, please contact Dana Mees.

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Institutes

The Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Institutes focus on building the skills and capacity of CAWS North Dakota member program advocates to provide comprehensive, trauma informed services to victims and survivors of intimate partner violence. The institutes are currently offered once a year with sexual assault focused issues training on even numbered years and domestic violence issues training on odd numbered years. For more information, please contact us.

SAFETY ALERT: If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call 911, a local hotline, the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 or the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.Escape