Provide more specific and thorough training to sexual and domestic violence advocates in order to make sure that victims are given the best possible services
Provide hands-on training and technical assistance in crisis intervention centers so that advocates are as prepared as possible
Provide training to partners in law enforcement, healthcare, mental health and substance abuse services, etc. in order to create networks that help victims with all of their needs
Publish and distribute more publications so that victims have resources in their hands the moment they seek help
Write and advocate for more legislation that protects and provides for victims
Provide more events for the public to raise awareness about sexual and domestic violence
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With your help, CAWS North Dakota can accomplish so much more.
If you would like to donate, please designate what the donation is for (victims services, prevention education, human trafficking) and mail a check to:
CAWS North Dakota
521 E Main Avenue, Suite 320
Bismarck, ND 58501
©️ Copyright 2021 CAWS North Dakota