Consider getting medical care as soon as possible after the assault. It is important to see a medical professional for any hidden injuries, or testing for pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Try not to wash, shower, douche or change clothes before receiving medical care.
If possible, take a change of clothes to the hospital if possible.
Remember this is not your fault. Your actions did not cause the assault.
Obtain a forensic exam without making a report to law enforcement. Victims are not required to report a sexual assault to law enforcement, however you may still report at a later time.
Make a report to law enforcement without receiving an forensic exam.
Decline a forensic exam and decline making a report.
Obtain a forensic medical examination (forensic exam) and make a report to law enforcement.
Sexual Assault Fact Sheets
North Dakota Model Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Policy
North Dakota Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Protocol
If you are a victim of sexual violence contact your local crisis intervention center for assistance.
For a full list of local crisis intervention centers, click here.
For more information on North Dakota sexual violence laws, click here.
For more resources on Understanding Sexual Violence, click here.
Sexual assault is the most under reported crime in the United States.
One out of every four women in the U.S will experience sexual violence at some point in their life.
Approximately 76% of victims knew the perpetrator.
83% of sexual assault victims are under the age of 25.
Victims all have a different response to their experiences. These responses can include; shock, withdrawal, denial, anger, depression, fear, guilt, self-blame and anxiety.
April became National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in the late 1990’s. Each year there are events all around the country to educate and bring awareness to issues surrounding sexual assault. Each April, CAWS North Dakota, with other partners, organizes the Race to Zero: Run/walk for sexual assault awareness and prevention in Bismarck, North Dakota. For more information about the event, visit
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